What you will need:
• Paracord
• Silicone beads
• Sewing Clips
• Scissors
• Large sewing needle (depends on your cording/bead size)
• Lighter

- Cut cord to desired length, slide paracord through sewing clip and knot. Cut excess cord and use lighter to lightly burn the end to prevent fraying.
- Tie a knot the desired length away from the sewing clip and start beading. (I made a knot approx. 6 inches from the sewing clip so the beads would rest comfortably on my neck)
- Tie another knot after the beads to prevent sliding.
- Finally, slide the other end of the cording through the back of the sewing clip, knot, cut and burn the end.
Ta-da ✨

I have gotten a little crafty lately, which is always interesting. ? (trust me, I’m no Pinterest mom)
I have made these magic mask lanyards for some friends/neighbors and my own family. I made these for our family for our upcoming Disney world trip, but these would be perfect for a child or teacher that is required to wear a mask during the school day or anyone who requires constant mask wearing for work.

Feel free to use any type of beads, cording, clips and get creative!
I love the silicone teething beads because my youngest (he is almost 1 ?) LOVES teething on my necklaces, bracelets, etc. This mask chain keeps my mask conveniently around my neck while I am not wearing it, but also is a great distraction for Joey while I am carrying him. Instead of tearing off my mask, he chews on the silicone beads.
Let me know if you make one! ?